Appetite for life...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007
CHILLIES – for pain and pleasure

Most Maldivians start drooling at the very thought of a spicy, red hot chilli. We all love eating hot meals to the extent we start hearing the beating of a loud drum at our ears. The burning sensation when we eat chilli is, because of a chemical, capsaicin, present in it. This chemical acts on the pain receptors of our tongue. Chilli is one of the most loved vegetable used in our households.

Choosing the right size, shape and flavour..

- In the case of chillies....the smaller, the hotter.
- If you would like to reduce the heat of the chilli, remove the veins of it. This is where most of the hot flavour lies.
- If you are thinking of grilling, make sure you get a red/yellow or green capsicum, chop into pieces and fork it into the skewer along with the chicken.
- The big red/ yellow or green capsicums are look and taste great in salads.
- In the grocery shop look for the ones with firm skin and vibrant colours.

How to keep it fresh

- Store in the crisper of the refrigerator in an air tight container.
- Once it is sliced or cut, it looses the moisture, so store as whole. If you have a half used chilli, store in an airtight container in plastic wrap before putting in the fridge.

What would u do if u have too many chillies and need to preserve it?

Option 1 - Freeze it. When you need to use it in your cooking, just chop it when it is still cold and put in your curries, stir-fry etc. Frozen chilli does not taste pleasant in salads.

Option 2 - Chop it up and fry it and store in a container and use in your dishes when u need them.

WARNING- Wash hands thoroughly after handling chillies, especially if you need to use the bathroom right afterwards.

posted by fathun.. @ 8:27 AM  
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A few years ago, I jumped in the professional culinary career. Since then I have been learning about all the exciting stuff about food, trying varieties of tastes and getting hands-on experience preparing it.

It is not only my culinary world inspired me to create this blog but a lot of people around me who love food…. some of them, to a dangerous level. In addition, one of my strongest beliefs is that no occasion or celebration is complete without food.

This blog is not about teaching you guys how to cook, because it is too big a task for me. My blog is not entirely about cooking but about food in general. Its about food and its relation to different aspects of our life such as , family, friends, humour, health, romance, sex, ...etc. Additionally i will include tips to help you not burn down your kitchen and a selection of recipes that you guys will absolutely loooove!


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Name: fathun..
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